Thursday, April 5, 2018

WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo

Ok... today i am going to talk about Shampoo and some chemical... (Some chemical la.. not all... i am not pro la.. just telling you guys the knowledge i have) hahaha~ please pardon me... :p

Ok so introducing 2 very harmful chemicals in shampoo that you have to know

1. Silicone Oil
2. Sulfate

1. Silicone Oil
Why do companies still use them even if they are harmful?
1. cos they are cheap, they use cheap chemical to cut cost!
2. using this silicone oil in shampoo can give consumers a fake idea of having smooth and silky hair after using the shampoo.
3. it is not soluble in water!

And it's just like painting a brush in OIL, long term use of silicone oil shampoo will cause your scalp to be oily! oily scalp will leads to blockage of hair follicles. Blockage of hair follicles will cause HAIR LOSS. So it goes on n on n on....

So when u pass past some ladies in the evening, can you smell some smelly oil smell coming from the scalp or hair? Yes, that is cause by long term use of silicone oil.

Silicone oil cannot be easily remove from your scalp or hair! It doesn't come off just by washing your hair!

2. Sulfate
Most commercial shampoo brands you see on the shelf contains a term called "Sodium Laureth Sulfate"

This is the cheapest and most use cleaning agent in

1. Soap for washing of cars
2. Soap for cleaning of car engine oil
3. Detergent for cleaning floor

So... from the examples i listed above.... what comes to your mind?
WHAT! that means it's so strong? that means it's so acidic?

So can you imagine using the same chemical to wash your hair?


So now come to WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo...Why is it good? Compare to commercial shampoo?

WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo does not contain any silicone oil or any paraben!

Infact, WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo will help you to clean out the silicone oil stuck on your scalp and hair!


Because WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo contains 40% pure ginger extract from feng jiang. (A type of ginger)
Pure ginger can help to detoxification, strengthen hair roots, cleansing of dirt and silicone oil, it also promotes hair growth and increase blood circulation!

Besides Ginger, WoWo Pure Ginger shampoo also contains wheat grain protein which repairs damage hair and add nutrients to your hair...

It also contains jojoba oil and avocado oil! Which promotes soft hair and restore your hair vitality to make your hair smooth, soft and silky! :)

WoWo Pure ginger shampoo does not contain SLS (sodium laureth sulfate) but it contains ALS (ammonium lauryl sulfate)

So the comparison between SLS and ALS can be read up here

(ALS, by contrast, is a far more complex molecule and is physically much larger. This means that it is practically impossible for ALS molecules to penetrate the outer layers of the skin and so reach the delicate underlying layers of cells. Due to this difference, ALS is regarded as being considerably less irritating than SLS – on a scale of 0 to 10, where the potential irritancy of water is 0 and that of SLS is 10, ALS scores around 4 – clearly far less irritating than SLS.
Green People only use ALS in those formulations based on organic floral waters. We have found from experience that using other surfactants with floral waters results in formulations that are not stable or effective in use.) 
I will say, it's a better choice to choose WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo than most commercial brands unless you can find an affordable and natural shampoo better than WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo! 

Wouldn't everyone wants to provide a better choice to their family?

Contact me at 97700162 / visit my Qoo10 Shop now / Wechat me @ cynthiag0608

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

WoWo Hair Products

I am recently exposed to this brand of hair care series.

I started using them for a couple of months and i am in love with them!

They are WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo, WoWo Nutrition Hair Mask and WoWo Hair Essential Oil!

I have sensitive scalp, dry hair, frizzy hair, split hair ends and hair loss problem.

But after using the WoWo Hair Series for 1 month, my hair and scalp problem tremendously improve!

My scalp is super sensitive to commercial shampoo, so anything that has alot of chemicals in it, my scalp will starts to feel itchy and starts to get inflammation after using.

But using WoWo Hair Series makes my scalp feels great!

My scalp and hair doesn't get oily at the end of the day, even after a session of yoga, it does not have the super oily smell and my hair and scalp doesn't feel as oily as before.

My hair condition also got better, even my bf says my hair is smooth now. hahaha

Although not that superb good can go advertisement but it is really in good condition.

My hair looks like they undergo treatment lor.... :)

WoWo Pure Ginger Shampoo can even cleanse my scalp, silicone oil stuck on my scalp are being cleanse out by the shampoo!

I can see flakes dropping out from my scalp after using WoWo Pure Ginger shampoo!

Now the flakes are less, meaning not much of silicone oil on my scalp already which means my scalp can grow more hair now!!!

Guess what? Because i am so satisfied with the products, i decided to be WoWo Authorized Distributor myself.

I want to share my experience and the goods after using the shampoo to all the people out there, like you!

So you can look for me to get WoWo Hair and face series!

You can also contact me if you need any more details..

You can whatsapp me at 97700162 or wechat me at cynthiag0608

I have a Qoo10 shop too!!! Qoo10 Shop



Saturday, May 2, 2015

Beauty tip #1

I am going to share some beauty tips with u!
It may be some stuffs that you already know but I still feel that I must write them down and to tell you that they are important in part of your skincare routine!

#1 always put on a sunblock / cream with spf when u go outdoors!
This is the most important tip and I always nagged at my friends since maybe at the age of 23 to put on sunblock every single day.

Why is it important? UV rays are extremely harmful to our skin. Not to mention the development of skin cancer under pro longed hours under the sun. You can also develop brown spots and it will cause uneven skin tone. Once you develop brown spots it will be hard for you to remove them!

You will have wrinkle and premature aging skin faster! I am sure none of us will wan to have skin age 40 when you are only 30.

Thus, sunblock or sunscreen is extremely important in your skincare routine. Even if I am indoor I will apply a 30+ spf sunblock. Cos even the lighting in your room can cause damage in your skin over long hours. So ya I am just kiasu and kiasi. :x

I am just writing what I think is important of cos you don't have to follow.. :)

But perhaps you can Google "why sunscreen are important" and see the results for yourself!

Hahaha~ alright time to get some beauty sleep!
Enjoy ur long weekend and good night!

Innisfree cream mellow lipstick review part 2

As you guys know I already owned 2 of innisfree cream mellow lipsticks series. I couldn't resist the temptation and gotten another color of the same series. Sobz

Here is the one.... #9 blueberry burgundy

Well I would say it is a challenge for me cos I don't really dare to wear such colors out! 
Ya but I bought it. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo here's the swatch and look on my lip with the color.

Yup. Pardon for the chui skin. Hahahaha.... 
Ok hope you find my review informative! 
Girls can never have enough lipsticks. :p

Review of Tony moly sherbet cleanser

Ok I got this item in korea during my March trip to korea. I heard pretty good reviews of it so decided to give it a try.

It is similar to banila Co's clean it zero, a balm texture of makeup remover.

There is an inner lid for hygiene purpose and I really like the scent of the sherbet cleanser. Very relaxing and soothing to your mind and skin. Hahaha... 

It works just like the banila Co's clean it zero. You scoop maybe a 50 cents size of product and apply all over your face and slowly massage till they melt and dissolve your makeup. 

This is how the sherbet cleanser looks like. Sorry it looks like a mess. Hahahaha.... but ya.

Used the product for about a week. 
If I were to compare this tony moly sherbet cleanser to banila Co's clean it zero. I will say that it does a decent job of removing makeup but it is harder to clean off the sherbet cleanser as compared to the banila Co's. There is always a residual of the cleanser left on my face after washing with water. However banila Co's will be clean off even with just washing with water. (I hope you get what I mean)

So the Tony moly one will only feel clean after using a cleansing foam to wash off. 

Price is definitely a win as compared to banila Co's.  It is around 9k won. (I think, sorry can't remember clearly) it is cheaper. Hahaha

Cleaning effect, well I will still prefer banila Co's due to the reason I mentioned on top. So ya.... it all depends on the user.  :p

Overall. This is not a bad product but you need to ensure u remove the product from your face totally! 

Pls note that I also use eye & lip remover before using the Tony moly sherbet cleanser or banila Co's clean it zero.

Alright, hope I wrote something informative. He hehe nights everyone!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Packing for my korea trip!!!

Hi everyone!!!

I am so excited now!

Packing for my korea trip!!! These are only few of my stash that I will be bringing to korea. Not sure will they be enough but... I know I will be getting more in Korea!  Hiak! Update u guys soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Innisfree super volanic pore clay mask


Today I am going to review on innisfree super volanic pore clay mask!

I have used the mask for a few months now and definitely loving it!!!

My face feels clean and refresh everyone after used. It is a MUST-HAVE  for my weekly skincare routine.

It is mainly for deep cleaning of pores and "sucking" out extra sebum and dirt in your pores! It also helps in tightening of pores and also you will see the reduction of black and white heads on your nose!

It is best if you are able to use it weekly and leave it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.. remember to apply it on a clean face!

Here is a pic of my skin after applying the innisfree super volanic pore clay mask... I tend to apply thicker layer to my nose or any troubled area...

See how big are my pores! Sob

After 20 minutes....

Wash if with lukewarm water and apply your skincare as usual!

Let's all achieve a pore less and silky face!!! Roar!!!